Experienced Attorney for Children Burned by Hot Liquid or Food

Skilled representation for young victims in Pennsylvania and New Jersey

We know every child is going to skin a knee or an elbow on occasion, as part of growing up. But those slight wounds heal quickly and are soon forgotten. It’s a far different matter when a child receives a scalding burn, inflicting intense pain, possible disfigurement or a permanent scar. At The Pagano Law Firm, LLC in Radnor, we believe that children’s injuries should not go uncompensated. If your child has been harmed due to someone’s negligence in Pennsylvania or New Jersey, we take decisive steps to hold the liable party fully accountable. 

Common causes of child burn injuries

According to Johns Hopkins University, burns and fires are the fifth most common cause of accidental death in children. Toddlers and older children are frequent victims of scalding, such as coffee burns or contact with tea or hot chocolate. However, hot tap water causes more hospitalizations and deaths than any other hot liquid. Injuries from flames and electrical burns are also common among youths and adolescents.

Proving negligence in child burn injury claims

Negligence is a lack of reasonable care that directly causes an injury. With regard to children’s burn injuries, negligence might include:

  • Carelessness with fireworks
  • Unsafe handling of hot liquids, such as coffee, hot tea or soup
  • Negligent supervision of a barbecue or bonfire
  • Service of food that is dangerously hot
  • Placing hot items within reach of a child
  • Storing sources of fire, such as matches and lighters, along with accelerants, within easy reach of children

Other types of child burn claims arise from house fires caused by boiler explosions or electrical failures. There are also product liability claims involving burns traceable to defective batteries and other faulty products. In some cases, manufacturers can be held strictly liable for injuries their unsafe products cause. Whatever was the cause, you can turn to us when you need an effective burn injury lawyer

Contact a skilled Pennsylvania lawyer for a free child burn injury consultation 

The Pagano Law Firm, LLC in Radnor represents clients in Pennsylvania and New Jersey who have sustained serious burn injuries. Please call 484-318-2561 or contact us online to make an appointment.